# 15……A penpal letter from James Edward Young to Love
Good morning love, Jin, Genevieve. I’m using the Dragon so forgive the spelling. Why it decided to spell the shortened version of your name like that, I don’t know. The only thing it did correctly was Genevieve. So therefore, good morning Genevieve. — — — — how’s it hangin’ ? …………Holy crap Jim, you can’t ask a lady like Genevieve a question like that. Have some claaaaaasss . Lol ……Good morning sweetie, how’s about a hug ? Do ya see what I mean ? Ya can’t take me anywhere . Hi Love, ya that’s the ticket .
I just got through reading a thing you wrote. You are a treasure trove of poinient stories, and I live for this . I just read :
The Second Sign I Received After My Son’s Death
I loved this powerful read .Please look it up and read it youse guys, okay ?I’m sitting here in shock over something. I don’t understand it but I think it’s wonderful so therefore maybe I do understand it. This thing you wrote left me totally gobstruck , and I am not denying anything . I prayed for a true friend and God showed me you . It was a miracle because you don’t know how I needed that . How can I not pay total attention to your words about 11:11. I also have history with those numbers .
Yesterday I wrote something that turned me into a puddle. When I write about my ex-wife Crystal, I always turn into a puddle. I really enjoy to do that as a writer and a poet. I feel that your best work comes from tears and deep emotion. So I wrote a third letter to my dead ex-wife. I asked her for something. I don’t remember exactly how I said it but I asked if she would just send me a little 11:11, if these letters are giving her a sense of closure as much as they are giving me that sense over our traumatic marriage. I went through the steps yesterday, to post what I wrote and I called it, “Cathartic Gold”. Chills and thrills and tears hit me hard when I looked up and saw that the clock said exactly 11:11. What are the odds of that happening like that. If I did the math right , It’s about one chance in 1080, subtracting 6 hours for sleep . I felt like a ghost ran through me . Later I read the comment from you on Medium where I asked you to talk to me about 11:11, right on your husband’s birthday and I don’t know your husbands birthday. I simply felt very compelled to discuss 11:11…..
I’m just being a quiet observer and I’m not making any conclusions but I am enjoying talking to you about this. It seems like more than a coincidence to me. As humans, we don’t understand everything. As writers, I think each of us has experienced the feeling that we receiving radio messages as the source of our writing process. Sometimes this conduit is as though we are not there at all. We are simply the voice that’s coming through. Now I’m wondering, just what is the source of the radio through a conduit. I repeat, we don’t understand everything. Love, Please tell me all about your 11:11 experiences. Of course I must read each of your 11:11 stories. Maybe if we work together we can be one strong dream catcher. There is something to this Gen. I truly believe there is something in this .
I was laughing the whole day when you told me you were trying to eat your delicious blueberry scones while reading about my Dad’s hemorrhoid operation. Good thing was a blueberry scone. Other colors might be less appetizing in your scone like cherry or chocolate. LOL, I love it when we laugh together over “stuff”. I have to warn you though. I have a bit of this in me. I’m the little boy that would chase you around the school yard with a grass hopper, just to hear you scream . I’m not really mean , but I love to hear girls scream. I go into hysterics over a good scream. The best screamer by far is Faye Wray.
I was having a hard time deciding what number 15 should be about. It could be a scary story that I made up. It could be a children’s story about a jumping spider. It could be a story about my junk drawer and all the neat things in my junk drawer.. It could be about Jim the mountain climber and bear fighter. Oh yeah, did you see the movie the Revenant with Leonardo DiCaprio? Oh yeah, that was me. Except, I’m so tough that even after the bear chewed me up, I just went ahead and climbed Dick’s peak at 10,000 feet. I’m too much of a man for my own shirt.
I didn’t fight a bear actually but I did climb Dick’s peak. I went into the Desolation Wilderness by myself for a week. It was quite an experience. Sometimes, I worry that if I tell you all of my life stories, that when I run out of stories, I won’t have anything to talk about. And then I think why am I telling myself that. I want to write children’s stories, I want to write poetry, I want to write short stories, I want to publish a book, and I want to learn how to write music and I have a lot more wierd things. Why should I worry about running out of stories because I have oh so many true stories in my past that I’m never going to run out…….. Have you ever heard of the horn of plenty. Well I am the horn of plenty of stories like THIS ONE ! ! !
You Will Be Sorry
Hi, my name is Gabrielle. I’m really very nice person, REALY. . If you knew me, you would want me to be your friend. But know this, if you do me wrong, I will be your worst enemy. I will get even and I will make you sorry.
Just to illustrate, I’d like to tell you a story.
Living in acrid air that you can see, namely the Los Angeles basin, I decided to move to Sacramento. I needed about a month to prepare for my departure.
I had a pet bunny and he was so cute. I just loved my bunny named Kevin. I played with him every day and as long as he would let me. I decided that taking Kevin with me to Sacramento would be too much and I wanted to find him a good home. I asked a man who I worked with named Andy if he would like a sweet little bunny for his children to play with.
Actually he wasn’t such a little bunny, he was pretty big. A huge ball of sweet fluffy fur.
So, after asking Andy if he would like to have my pet bunny for his children, he said “sure” enthusiastically. Well “sure “ my ****. He took my pet bunny for the express purpose of butchering Kevin and having him for dinner. I wonder if his kids ever even saw Kevin.
About a week before my move to Sacramento, I asked Andy if I could drop by his house and say goodbye to my little rabbit and watch his kids enjoy their new friend. Andy was not expecting that. His head dropped and he got a very guilty look on his face. I said, you ate him didn’t you. He nodded yes and sheepishly said “ I’m sorry “…………….. His kids got my rabbit all right, last night for dinner. Before he walked away from me I had one thing I had to say to him. I said “ Just you wait. I will get even and I will make you sorry. He had the most terrified look on his face after I said that.
Every day he would make the most circuitous trip through the office to avoid coming anywhere near me. A few days later Andy was coming through the office being almost carried by two other employees. He was in semi shock and barely able to stand. He had a huge white towel wrapped around his right forearm and hand. The towel was soaked in blood and he was almost passing out.
His eyes looked terrified as the two guys helping him took him right past my desk. Andy looked at me on the way by with the most unimaginable terrified look in his eyes.. Andy worked in heavy machinery maintenance and his right hand and forearm were mangled in the machinery, simply because his sleeve wasn’t buttoned and his loose sleave had caught in the machinery which pulled in his hand and then his forearm and proceeded to mangle them. It was like a meat grinder operating at full speed before a desperate employee could turn the machine off. Andy was in the hospital for a week fighting off infection and dealing with his ghost forearm and hand. There was no choice, Andy had to have a prosthetic device.
I live in Sacramento now in the air is a little bit better. My Los Angeles friends tell me that Andy is still convinced that I have the power to put a curse on someone if they make me furious. I’m not going to say anything, but it’s silly to think that a mere human could have those types of powers. What do you think? Do you want to be my friend?
(By the way, this is a true story)