Well it’s Christmas time 2023. Unfortunately a lot of feelings are raw exposed and it is especially painful this time of year, because it’s Christmas time. If you’re feeling depressed, the happiness and joy of others can make you feel even further depressed. Please please recognize if it seems like someone needs help. You can sit down with them and say “Hey, is everything okay ?” You can tell by their answer. Sometimes a person just needs to talk to a friend that cares when they think that nobody cares. Please don’t let anybody you love make a permanent decision over a temporary situation.I am still grieving over Sinead O’Connor.
I’ve heard it all before and it never really helped.
Words that shocked me
words that hurt
words that made me feel rotten
uncaring words that people may blurt.
Have a little dignity
come on man, grow a set
keep crying, and I’ll give you something to cry about
come on Nancy, pull up your big boy panties and grow up
real men don’t behave like that
what is your major malfunction
just snap out of it for Pete’s sake you’re dragging everybody down
stop thinking about that, it’ll just drive you crazy
you’re overthinking it, you’re obsessing
just calm down. But nobody understands
how the hell would you know what it’s like?
maybe you need some drugs like Prozac
(forget that may make you want to kill yourself.)
Don’t tell anybody anything ever.
Keep it all inside. Nobody cares anyway
nobody wants to hear it.
People don’t want to hear it and I’m getting tired of thinking it
I’m sick of thinking it but will leave me alone.
I’m just a waste of skin. I’ve always been a waste of scan all my life
excuse me for living and breathing air
I’ll just shut my mouth and don’t say a word
I’ll just smile all the time and tell jokes
so everybody thinks I’m all right
and what I break down and cry
because it’s not okay
I’ll just turn my face away and hide