What a mind blowing fun project. How to get someone out of your head. I put one together I like, so I think I'll post it. I know for a fact that a bad love can really mess with a subsiquent one because nerves are so raw.. (Heat Waves-Glass animals)
Many times I caught myself making Joan pay for pain my previous wife created in my head. That's not fair and I'm so glad I saw that.
My wife is my filter and your psuedo-mom .
She's all, you can't tell her that ! !
Bloody censors ! Well, I came to your defense and told Joan that you may be a young girl but you are a writer as well as a reader and you are more likely to see everything as interesting. Not a behavioral suggestion and you're not going to do what some weird guy said, just because he said it worked for him. Besides you got a new dude now and that is gold.
She countered with, what if she did what you did and she got hurt. How would that make you feel. Well, I am a super emotional guy and that stopped me dead in my tracks ..If I tell you that, I will be made homeless. I'll tell you anything, but I won't tell you that . Please don't make me.
Sorry, I have motormouth