I’m suffering right now. You didn’t know how bad you need a friend until one came close and than quietly slipped off into the night leaving a hollow emptiness. . Probably by fear of the unknown, I was shied away from.
I don’t blame people for feeling that way. I feel that way too.
It’s a difficult world and even though I know there millions and millions of beautiful people out there, I also know that there are bad people out there and that it’s natural to want to protect ourselves and our loved ones from danger. I am an unknown, so I guess I represent danger. Since you don’t really know me, you may not be interested in an encounter with a stranger.
There is no telling what I’m capable of. Let me tell you what I can do. I could be your friend. We could talk about life. We could talk about Jesus if you want to. We could talk about philosophy. I write stories and poetry that I could send to you and you could tell me what you think. I love music so much and I would love to show you Miley’s newest song . I don’t want to marry you and have babies with you. I just want a friend that’s it. I wanted a potential friend to be a girl because I communicate best with girls.
When I say girl I mean that in the nicest way. If you are 90 years old you are still a girl to me . . I love the way girls think. Girls have so much more emotion then men and thus are much kinder . . As a poet, I love to discuss feelings and everything about life.
Well you guessed it. I want a friend. I want you to be a girl that trusts me enough to see that this is not some stupid feeble sex thing. Not in the least. I am the usual kind of guy in every way known as straight, but never creepy like so many of my fellow males when a female is on the scene.
Music is my life and I don’t mean the old stuff. Not that I don’t like music from every decade. Many memories of old days are revived in music and make me cry so much because of a failed marriage . The music that’s out there right now is so bloody amazing. I’m 81 and I would love to show you my playlist. I’m not trying to act young because I’m 81. I love the music so much that’s out there right now that if anybody says there’s no good music anymore, I feel compelled to mention Miley, and Lady Gaga, and Zandi Holup . In the words of George Carlin, I don’t consider myself an old fart. Instead of being an old fart, I consider myself an old — — . There’s a huge difference . It has to do with attitude and using your brain and pushing your limits more and more each day . . My brain is working damn fine for my age. Comfort zone my foot. I eat the most nutritious foods on the planet and I have no bad habits. I have a different kind of fun so I don’t need bad habits — I’m a writer.
Please Don’t Break My Heart and please be my friend. Would it really be so bad ? I really think as friends we could have a wonderful time and it would enrich us both. ………………… ANYBODY ?