# 41……………Penpal letter from Jim to Gen (alias @Love)
Good morning Love. My head’s swirling. It’s like all my thoughts are written on little pieces of paper and they were blowing all around my head at once. I’m afraid I’m going to miss something. All the things we’ve been talking about, things that I think you sent me that were beautiful, but I have yet to tell you so. Please know that I appreciate your every word and artistic efforts and I so appreciate the work that went into those things.
I’m afraid going to goof and forget to tell you how wonderful you are. I’m going to try to make the spinning stop, but I have to tell you that all the penpal letters you’ve been sending me lately — so wonderful. I can’t wait to reply to everything, but my mind is so taken over by this song this morning that it seems to dominate my thinking and I am going to allow this one more time .
First of all, I love you immensely and I’m so happy you’re in my life. That’s first and foremost. You are just a wonderful delight , and I want and need this connection with you for freaking ever.
I managed to get my blood pressure down, but I sure would like some salt on something. (Sometimes I walk over to Joan and I just lick her forhead. Really I do. She really likes it when I lick her face all over just to get salt — psych !
Than she chases me all over the house for snicker snag revenge .
Oh well, salt is fuel, as long as the quality is there. ORGANIC RULES ! Joan is 100% organic.
This morning I was listening to Jefferson starship doing “Miracles”.
That whole song does things to me .
Do you have any songs that make your mind scream with memories of desire and painful come and go love, Love. . This is such a perfect example of exactly what I should NOT be doing. I promised myself I would not torture myself any more. This song takes me back to the most painful period in my life. This song delights me and gives me chills and then a big lump starts to form in my throat and then I always cry like a little bitch. I broke up with Crystal so many times and always went back . When this sound from Jefferson starship came out, it seemed to give me hope for an impossible situation to get better. Music is so impactful to me and I have so many songs that stir up instant emotion. I save all of those songs. I also save every single sad song from every period in my life. Silly songs don’t mean anything to me. Man is a noble creature. And music should speak to that.
Both of these songs speak to how wonderful it is to be love drunk going down on a woman and the joys that swims through your head and her head as well. It’s only wrong if you think it’s wrong and if you think it’s right it’s wonderful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with showering for cleanliness and enjoying each other’s bodies fully when you’re in love. It’s very grounding. It’s very fulfilling and so many more things that are hard to define in your mind . . I don’t like to be defined by what others think is appropriate or not .
I’ve talked about this song a few times with my cousin. She has a lot of emotion but she is quite religious too. I never asked her what she thought about the lines-”go down on you” in the lyrics of “Miracles”. All of my people are so old school. By that I mean very straight laced and also pretty religious to the point of letting Jesus take care of many things . God I love my cousin so much . She shows me beautiful pathways to happiness, just like you do Genevieve..
I’m very emotional today Genevieve. It’s just my backdrop. I know tomorrow everything will be hysterically funny and the day after that will be tragic , and the day after that will be funny and the day after that will be tragic. It’s just the way I function these days both situations are very conducive to writing poetry. And I thoroughly enjoyed both the Yen and the Yang.
I want to talk about how sweet and innocent my tribe is. You said in our penpal letters that it would be okay to talk about anything. Well just to make sure you mean it, I thought I’d tell you a story about my mother and oral sex…………….
Long ago I was visiting Mom and playing Scrabble with her. Even though Mom was old, she was very innocent about “stuff”. She had her TV on and they were talking about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. I think that whole thing was just cute………… Anyway, Mom turns to me and she says, “ What is oral sex.? “
I realize fully what a nice polite kind son would’ve said. A nice polite son would’ve told his dear sweet mother that oral sex is when they just talk about it. …………… They don’t have sex, they just talk about it.
But I couldn’t say that. There’s a little brat that lives inside of me and Mom just invited that little brat to come out and play.
Well immediately my brain began to smile and giggle. I’m sure there was a evil little smile on my face.
My mother was raised on a farm. All of her people lived and breathed the church. Her dad was a preacher and a schoolteacher and ran a lumber yard. Dad was the same, he grew up on a farm to in all of his people were religious as hell. That’s right, I said religious as hell. As such, I’m sure they knew all about sex because they got it out of the Bible. Now I have never read the Bible… I tried to, but I got bored out of my skull.
When my mom asked me what was oral sex, it brought me back to this Starship album in my mind. The lyrics in this song are so beautiful and so poignant to me and sure, the song talks about “going down” on her. It just makes me want to cry because those sexual things happened so rarely and were so special to me. 15 years in an almost sexless marriage, hurts .
Yeah , you bet I’m going to tell Mom what oral sex is. She couldn’t bring herself to talk to me about the birds and the bees when I was a little boy, so I thought I’d give HER an education. I explained to my wide-eyed mother’s amazement, the wonderful world of oral sex , sex which was more than just the missionary position forever. I don’t know what sex was like for Mom and Dad but I’m here., At least I’m looking at somebody in the mirror.
I suspect for Mom and Dad, it was not very adventuresome because of her reaction. I explained cunnilingus and analingus and fellatio to my puritanical Church of the Brethren mother.
She looked at her coffee and then she looked at me. Then she took a deep breath and let it out slowly and cleared her throat and said the only thing she could think of to say and she said it rather sarcastically. She said loudly “WELL THAT’S NICE”……………..Only she did not think it was nice .
I didn’t say it out loud but I was sure thinking it — yes mom, it’s one of the nicest things in life unless your too much of a prude to enjoy anything outside of just straight “doing it”. To go that far with someone you love is wonderful . I feel so sorry for Mom because I think her sex life was just business for her. Dad was a little rascal but I don’t think he even knew about things like oral.. I’m really glad I had to learn about sex on my own because I’m so liberated, I think everything is wonderful. I think all of the flavors of a woman and all of the body scents are wonderful. I want to make love like a real complete man, not like Elvis Presley that was afraid to — -” go down “. That’s true according to Ann Margaret. Aww gee Elvis, Anne Margaret for Christ’s sake — Jeez, what a maroon …….
Claire Franky may like this story- She is so funny.