life is beautiful
Read this slowly. Take a lot of time in between thoughts.Let every dotted line be a moment to take a few seconds to meditate.
Take a deep breath.
Purse your lips
close your eyes.
Let the air out slowly through your pursed lips.
Feel your body relax.
Feel the tension leaving your chest. All of your attention is turning to pure calm . Visualize a beautiful pool of water in the middle of the forest. Nothing is disturbing the surface of that water.
Here you can truly forest bathe. You are laying on your back in a beautiful meadow. Insects going about their business are not even aware of your presence.
The trees towering above you make you feel as though you’re in nature’s church. You may feel overcome with emotion.
Things that bother you yesterday are fading. You Appreciate how harmful it is to hold on to such useless negativity.
That was yesterday. Live in the moment, live right now.
Pretend that you have valves at the ends of all of your fingers and toes.
All of your tension, all of the poison, all of the conflict, all of the arguments, all of the tears, all of the pain that you could not take,
it’s all gone. All of that has drained from you through the valves.
Concentrate on how that pain is flowing away from your body
The poison leaving your body is yellow as it flows out of you.
You can feel yourself becoming one with the universe once these negative thoughts have left your mind. Those thoughts were harming you.
this affirmation of life is precious. You may not feel it immediately but you will .
The thrill and goosebumps possibly may ensue. Life is good, Jesus is good
life is worth it, life is precious, life is wonderful. How fortunate we are to be alive.