James Edward Young
5 min readSep 27, 2024

that only a man should do !

Liliana Drew/Pexels


I hope you don’t hate me for what I’m about to tell you because I am going to change your life. After you read this article you will never ever be the same. I’m going to use plain talk in what I’m about to tell you. The reason is, life is short, say it quick and get it over with so you can move on.

Once you read my article, it will haunt you. What I’m about to tell you will creep into your thoughts while you’re sleeping and while you’re awake. It will constantly make you feel dirty because of the disease and filth you are subjecting yourself to every day. Maybe you don’t want to think about it, and maybe you don’t think the way I do but when you sit down on the toilet, you are subjecting yourself to whatever airborne microbes are in the toilet bowl.
A person’s nether regions are vulnerable, both to a man and especially so to a woman. A woman is much more open to whatever airborne microbes may be present in the toilet bowl. There’s nothing you can do about it when you’re out and about but you should not be anything but vigilant about your toilet bowl at home.

I have another bone to pick. Why is it that when it comes time to clean the toilet bowl that job seems to always fall on the woman. Why is that? What kind of man lets the wonderful beautiful delicate woman that he loves clean his toilet. It’s an unspoken job because nobody wants to do it. The man ignores it, and the woman cleans it because she can’t stand it anymore.

Well, I’m here to say that if you’re allowing your woman to clean the toilet you are not a man. You can never hold your head up proud. You are nothing but a slimy little coward not even worthy of licking your wife’s boots. Quite frankly, I don’t know why women have anything to do with men in the first place. All we are is farting burping sperm machines. We are never worthy of any woman. The least we can do is clean the toilet.

I pursued the woman I loved. I planned and schemed and did everything I could to let her know how much I loved her and to win her love for me. I put her up on a pedestal and I would do anything for her because I love her so much. What kind of a man am I that I would allow this wonderful creature that I love, to do such a filthy disgusting job. If I allowed that to happen, I would be nothing but a filthy ball of slime not even worthy of her disgust.

So, get off your duff man and clean your damn toilet. I don’t mean give it a little superficial Zippy do da, no no no. This is what I want you to do. I want you to reach down under and turn off the toilet water. Then I want you to flush that sucker. This is important, put on rubber gloves. Look under the rim with a mirror and prepare to be horrified. That’s what you want to get rid of. It’s mold and it’s black. I don’t think it’s important that we find out what kind of mold it is. We just need to get rid of it in the safest way possible. I bought a product called “ Pink Stuff” on amazon. When you grab pink stuff out of the tub that it comes in take enough to do the whole job because double dipping is going to make the container disgusting. Take it from somebody that knows. Just dump the whole container in there. If some falls in the water it’s okay you can pull it back out with your hand, yuck. Rub it underneath that rim. You might want to put on 2 gloves and just rub the Dickens underneath that rim. Nobody ever cleans underneath the rim because it’s out of sight and out of mind but it’s 2 inches from your hoo-hoo, okay. That area is precious and needs to be protected. Again, be a man and clean underneath the rim. DO IT, AND DO IT NOW !
When you feel like you’ve done all that you can with your hand in the pink stuff began putting water on all the areas that you’ve scrubbed because now were going to rinse everything away, the flotsam and the jetsam. Now turn the water back on and rinse it some more. Now take a look underneath the rim and you will see that you have accomplished absolutely nothing. The black is still there but at least you have injured the colony and the spores are not thriving anymore.

Your goal is to make it so clean under their that it looks like you just bought your toilet even though it was installed in 1968. By the way, did you know that’s a good way to tell the age of the house. If the toilet is original to the house, it has a date stamped inside.

The next thing you do is buy one of those power scrubbers. I bought one with a small head about the size of a dime from Rubbermaid for $20. I put on the pointed head because I want to get in all those little holes are filled with black junk. I keep trying more and more abrasive things because if this toilet was made in 1969, that’s a lot of yuck to be landing in weird places underneath the rim.
Stranger pooh-pooh from the previous owners. You never know. I don’t want to think about it because I’m going to wake up screaming. I’ve used everything underneath there to clean it. I’ve even used a pumice stone but it doesn’t adapt very well to the hills and valleys of porcelain.
I ordered a product called Zud. it’s pretty powerful stuff because it has oxalic acid. I plan on giving it hell underneath that rim.
Previously I used a product called “Bring It On”. That product is very abrasive, and still the black mold persists. It diminished but is not completely gone.
Once I’ve tried everything I can think of I’m going to see if I can get some sort of acid paste. I’m going to get that toilet clean, even if I have to do it with a sledgehammer and a dump truck. Now you see why you should never allow your woman to clean the toilet. It’s much better to spend $2000 on a new toilet by letting the man do it.

James Edward Young
James Edward Young

Written by James Edward Young

I believe in honest true life stories with the thrill of life, romance and strong emotion.

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