Sean Mendez, what must it be like to be him. Holy cow, did he write that? “It’ll Be Okay”. I may be wrong or maybe I’m just trying to be a purist, but I don’t think it’s possible to write music from scenarios that are not real-life experiences. We all know the joy of being a writer and music is no different than poetry — — similar skills.
This writer speaks to the joy and pain of pure love.
Sometimes two people come together who shouldn’t. That doesn’t make it any less painful. Our brains don’t fully mature until at least age 25. If we fall in love too early, we are taking a chance. We are not fully capable of knowing who we are, what we want, what we like, where were going or what our goals are.
But we are so freaking impressionable. Everything is new and exciting, and we’re filled with feel-good hormones.
Love must take a backseat to what we want out of life, or we are denying who we are. The need to achieve our full potential as adults needs to be unhampered. In fact we need to find a partner who can work with us to achieve our successes. If you find that in the person you love, you are very lucky.
But perhaps we discover that the person we are with is actually holding us back. You may love this person but eventually that love is going to fade as you feel as though you are a prisoner in a restrictive situation.
In the beginning,
I saw you across the room and you are so beautiful to me.
This may sound cliché, but I know what they mean when they say, “my heart skipped a beat”. I absolutely had to meet you and ask your name. As soon as you told me something swept over me perhaps it was the sound of your voice. Perhaps it was the little smile you gave me you told me your lovely two syllable name. I will never forget that moment. I was your servant, I was your slave. Anything you wanted, I would’ve gotten it for you.
But I had to be cool and not be too anxious. This was so new to me. Why did I feel like I wanted you so bad. I couldn’t control myself. I think I blew my cool and you saw right through me.
I always get what I want, and I wanted you so badly, and I got you. And we fell in love and it was wonderful. I had never felt such joy. I hung on your every word. We both felt love so strongly. the kind of love Romeo and Juliet must’ve experienced. With me it was a life and death kind of love. I don’t think some people fall in love as deeply as I do. I don’t know how to explain something that goes so deep that you feel it from your toes to your hair.
Sometimes the emotion sweeps through you so deeply that you feel as though you’re going to explode. If you love deeply enough, you’ll know exactly what I mean. You would do anything for this person, even die for them if necessary to save them somehow.
My love for you grew and grew over the months that followed. I adored you, I worshiped you, everything about my life centered around you and I lived for you.
But you changed.
I think you still had love for me but the love you showed me took a different form. I began to take the place of a roommate and a provider, but not a lover. Day after day into infinity, we begin to fight and become angry and resentful. It was like playing ping-pong with the devil. I guess you begin to feel that it was necessary to hurt our relationship in order to break free from me, but you didn’t have to do that.
It was simply us maturing into adults and seeing that what we needed was not each other. No matter how much this was going to hurt, we really do need to part from each other. The more we are together, the more harm we are doing to a precious memory.
What we had, can never fill what we need. I love you so much and I will for the rest of my life. I love what we had and I wish we could still have that, but we must each be true to ourselves. I love you as a person so much more than to be resentful over the loss of what we had.
I will always love you until the end of my time. I hold no resentment that you need for our relationship to fade into black.
There’s going to be a lot of tears,
but this is for the best.
We both know that.