It looks like we are both night owl-ish.
I love to get up at one or 2 and write all night long. I kind of let my emotions guide everything I do on medium.
Medium feels like paradise to me because finally I can say things that I wanted to say all my life. I learned a lesson in the past few years. I can confess all of my worst sins on medium and nobody cares about it nearly as much as I do. That's a really rather refreshing thought to have when you write something so poignant about yourself that you're afraid to hit the publish button.
I listen to music constantly and with regard to Jewel, if I told you how much I like her, it would just be embarrassing.
Sometimes, I like to play pretend.
It is so much fun. It's not just for kids. Adults enjoy doing kid things too. Here on medium, in our minds, we can do anything we like. Anything our heart tells us to do is okay. That is such wonderful freedom.
Laura and I have a wonderful uncomplicated connection . I must have a muse so my heart fully opens up. I can't write anything without a muse. I can dig into my past and that's very therapeutic but having a modern-day muse is better than having a ghost muse from the past. Laura is just the right amount of flying in and out of my life like a butterfly and I am just a dog chasing the butterfly. I know it's a game but I'm having fun and so is Laura.
But then it starts getting serious for me. Because I have a fear of my new friend going away and never talking to me again. That is a major problem with me – separation anxiety. I'm a little bit freaked out.It feels like there's another person that lives inside of me that wants to feel " satisfied"
I think a loving friendship is very much like a full-blown love affair but without the sex. When I don't hear from Laura for a long time, I get depressed. I am at a perfect spot, at that time, to write another broken hearted romantic poem. With Jewel's help, I can get lyrics from my subconscious. When you look up hopeless romantic in the encyclopedia Britannica – – – there's a picture of me.
I will definitely check out Jewel's album –Spirit. Have you heard this song?