I am going to need a neck rub Erlijn, because I was doing so much nodding up and down agreeing with this article. So much of this I never knew but I know some of this by accident. I'm 80 and I had colitis since I was 20 and I believe thanks to the principles that you have explained here and what I accidentally discovered myself, I have no problems at all anymore, after 50 years of a constantly very friable condition and incredible blood loss... Where were you when I was 20? Oh how I would've loved to have had this article when I was 20. But now, I eat all organic and most of the things you suggested and I feel so good. I think colitis is just an imbalance and all you need to do is fast for a little to reboot your system . After that I think then start flooding yourself with biotics and it can solve so many problems.
It's going to be an honor following your articles, thank you for this one. I liked it so much I posted it on Facebook on my timeline for all of my relatives to see. I noticed that you started following me recently.
I am so curious about which poem made you decide to do that. Was it "Sophie"?