hi Christina
I'm not quite sure what to do this morning. I'm over prepared to write. I don't feel like I'm doing a good job unless I'm emotional.
I'm doing a fine job of being emotional this morning. It's 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm crying into my yogurt and prunes.
Oh well I think they needed a little salt. Gross huh?I'm so sad but it's such a complicated story. I have a friend. No really it's true. I have a friend that I am so worried about. Every day it's worse. I bought this. I could've mind my own business like most people in the world. Not give a damn about somebody that you might be able to help but there's just not enough time in the world. I found myself caring tremendously about a person that is stuck on meth.
apparently it's nearly impossible to quit but I think she can do it. I'm trying to give emotional support but I'm beginning to feel like I'm the one that needs the emotional support.
I know you've got a pretty good idea of what I'm trying to accomplish with my solar curtains. I totally miss the opportunity this year.
If I can't take 90° In this room, how can I hold my head up proudly and walk amongst my fellow man ever again.
So this summer was 175 days of temperatures way over 150°with 100% humidity. I am not exaggerating. I'm going to get those solar curtains installed this winter.
next summer this room is going to be so cold that I'm gonna have to wear my fur-lined Fruit of the Loom's all summer long. I never exaggerate Christina.
When you think about it, I think you should change the spelling of your name to Christina. Hear me out. I have a voice to text program called the Dragon.
The Dragon prefers to spell your name like this Christina. Do you really want to argue with the Dragon? Obviously you're going to have to go to court
to change the spelling of your name. The Dragon has spoken
not really though. I really prefer the way you spell your name. My first wife was named Chris. That was a very tragic story. Yes I definitely feel more comfortable
referring to you as Kristina. I hate to be addressing you and her image pops up in my head.If that were to happen I might give you attitude and I don't want to do that.
I can't exactly show you how these rather pricey solar curtains attached to the house.
The house is constructed with 4 x 12 beams every 10 feet apart. The beams aim toward the backyard. That means that in order to attach solar curtains,
the only thing I can attach the solar curtains to is the ends of those beams. But you have to have something up there that runs the whole length to attach
the solar shades to.. Just the beam ends will not work. It's not enough.
this house is pretty old and the ends of those beams have seen a lot of weather so there's a good chance the structural integrity of the beam ends
has been compromised my little bit of dry rot. I think I can use an L bracket that would attach to both the beam and the solar shade support board.
Why does everything have to be so hard when I go to do it? Everybody else, zip bang boom in they are done. You,
you can order these very same solar shades for your house and they would be so easy for you to install the mailman would probably do it for you.....
They say Virginia is for lovers, does that extend to mailman and solar blinds?
Here's a song I like that I'm sure you've never heard beforehttps://youtu.be/OnrICy3Bc2U
https://youtu.be/OnrICy3Bc2URead into this, it is so interesting.
you said you like finding new old music. This one is so old that it's scary spooky.