James Edward Young
7 min readMar 23, 2023
Photo by J. Young


Aren’t human beings freaking amazing. We are fragile delicate animals that think we are strong because our brain tells us that we are. Basically don’t you think that our brain is really all that we are and the rest is just hardware. Some of us think we are strong, or beautiful, or intelligent but it’s always comparative. Everything about us is based on genetic luck and environmental influences. Some might think we are autonomous beings and not a product of the foods we eat or the liquids we drink or the drugs we use either legal or illegal. Well, guess again baby .
Towards the end of her life my mother began eating poorly. She ate easy greasy empty calorie restaurant foods and Swanson’s dinners — Turkey flavor. One time, she served me one of those and it was pretty good. It looked like institution food.
Everything’s all the starch served on aluminum. I think there was a dollop of cranberry which is highly acidic and definitely leaches aluminum off of the serving tray. All the time I was growing up, she used a little aluminum drip coffee pot to make her coffee. Coffee is acidic. I’m sure with decades of using that coffeepot, a lot of that coffeepot ended up in her brain.
Mom began to develop dementia. I want to come right out and say I firmly believe she put metal in her brain. Naysayers may say it would’ve happened anyway but mom and I have the same genes . I’m not having any memory problem and I’m 81. Maybe I’m bragging a little but in analyzing myself, I write poems, articles and have great hygiene. I don’t seem to have any of the usual pitfalls of mental decline. Mom’s brain was definitely having problems when she was my age. I have a scientific mind and at my age, I think it is going to be very very interesting to see just how long I can make this old body and mind last by eating properly and avoiding toxins. I would love it if you and I can watch me together.
I believe in StreetSmarts. I trust my mind well enough to take tiny chances based on logic. There’s a lot of things we humans don’t understand but we are excellent detectives. I don’t think we always need scientific data to determine what could be good for you or could be bad for you. For instance, I’m willing to use my body as sort of a science lab whereby if I don’t do things right, my body will tell me.
If you think this is chancy, I promise you, it is not. For example I have been eating the maximum dose of the most highly pure MSM powder (wood source) on the planet. Both my wife and I have been eating it every day for years. Our bodies need sulfur and now our bodies are getting that sulfur. Sulfur helps your body to heal. My wife and I don’t take any doctor prescribed medicines because we have nothing wrong. . My doctor knows I eat MSM and he has not advised me against it. Another thing my wife and I do is every day we eat cilantro. Whatever metals your brain has absorbed over the years, cilantro helps remove that metal from your brain. I think Mom’s brain would’ve worked right up until the day she died at 97 instead of spending the last 20 years in the horrible state she was in where she couldn’t even remember my name and referred to me as — “the young one “.
I worked with a few people that lost their mind at a young age because they were existing on ice cream or just a few French fries. One lady imagined bugs and poisonous gas coming from the air conditioner vent above her. I’m not sure if it’s normal to keep a dead Python in your freezer but Janice did and she did not act right in other ways. My ex-wife died in her 30s and the only reason was that she didn’t want to get fat like her grandma and so she only allowed herself to have maybe just a few French fries in a day. I spent almost 15 years with her and I’m only just beginning to realize that her poor diet destroyed so many lives through her behavior, and it could’ve all been nutritional.
Of course, my point is, you are what you eat. First of all, stop buying conventional. Do you think you’re saving money when you don’t buy organic? Have you calculated in all of the costs of developing cancer. Please eat only organic for lots of reasons. Fruits and vegetables grown organically are way more nutritious for you because they have to fight to survive.
When the farmer sprays Roundup in his fields to control weeds and pesticides on his crops so bugs don’t eat his profit, then you get to suffer so he can make a good living. Have you noticed how organic foods are becoming more mainstream and prices are going down. ? Pesticide and herbicide fruits and vegetables look the same on the table but there is a very dark cloud hanging over that sort of food. ( They found Round Up in Ben and Jerries ice cream.) I keep seeing people getting sick and I know that if they did things more carefully, , they would not have gotten sick. Okay, I know I’m not God and that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is exactly this. Give your body and your brain every single thing it needs to stay healthy. There are so many building block super foods on this planet that gives your body the nutrition it needs to fight off diseases of any type.
Not that were going to live forever, but while we’re here we should be healthy happy and have as much longevity as clean living will give us . Heavy metals can come from air we breathe (especially from smoking), what we drink and what we eat and most likely what we rub on our skin if we are not careful. The very supplements that I’m going to recommend in future articles can be a major source of heavy metals. Always make sure that what ever you buy in the way of nutritional supplements is organic, if possible, and has been tested for heavy metals. I wanted to get that out there right away because I’m all about healthy organic supplements. You can be exposed to heavy metals on the job or when you’re just walking down the street and a yard worker is blowing his leaf blower stirring heavy toxic metals into the air. You can be exposed if you’re remodeling your house , not wearing a proper mask. Don’t go jogging down a busy street in rush-hour traffic. The fish you are having for dinner, does it have mercury? Obviously there’s more, a lot more.
I smoked and drank for too many years. Not my fault that I drank, you weren’t married to my ex. I don’t drink or smoke anymore and I haven’t since the early 80s. Regardless of what they say, it’s not that hard to quit anything if you really want to set your mind to do it. I think people tell themselves that they can’t because they don’t want to.
Food and flavors are very entertaining. Our taste buds tell us what we like and what we don’t like. What is that based on? If the food is disgusting to us, I think we might be allergic and our body is telling us. Our body is always going to tell us that we need all the cheesecake we can get , just like a bear, because we are survivors and that high-fat food could get us through hard times.
I have only scratched the surface of all of the toxins that everybody carries around with them all the time, all 700 of them, I attempt to counter things that we can’t stop with nutrition. I’ll tell you the food part of what I eat every day. This is the only actual food I eat and I don’t care how it served. I don’t care if I eat the same thing with every meal because it’s delicious and it can be flavored differently each time with different sauces that could be added. Here’s the majority of my meal each day and mind you, you don’t have to eat a lot of volume. You throw all of these things in a huge bowl and take out what you want and put the rest back in the fridge for later.
Here goes: cauliflower, cilantro, kale, carrots, bell peppers, celery, hummus, mango, garlic, ginger, blueberries, apples, yogurt, nuts, lean chicken breast, Chia, catsup, blackberries, prunes,acerola cherries, raisins, apricots and dates. It looks complicated because there’s so many things but it’s not. I get just the right amounts of meat fruit and vegetables and I’m never hungry. Not only that, but I lost a lot of weight because I’m no longer eating donuts and Twinkies. They keep raising the amount of fruits and vegetables you need each day to stay healthy. I’m going to push that that to a higher level. If I can put 100 healthy foods in my body each day, I’m going to do that because I want to give my body every single thing it needs to fight off whatever comes along.. I lost 50 pounds because my body is never stressed over low nutrition foods . My body seems to be saying — keep it up Jim and I’ll treat you well.
I have to say this, food is a wonderful source of entertainment. Every time people socialize, everybody wants to eat food that is horrible for their health. They want you to eat that food too. It’s ok to not eat unhealthy food, your people will still love you. Social eating is a killer. You can always see who eats at the same table as the next guy. You can always see who eats for their body and who eats just to make their tastebuds happy. If you are an emotional eater, write poems instead………
my next article is going to be about healthy nutritional supplements that are basically just organic highly tested food pressed into a capsule. I’ve got a lot to say about eating supplements and I hope you read my article about it.

James Edward Young
James Edward Young

Written by James Edward Young

I believe in honest true life stories with the thrill of life, romance and strong emotion.

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