Dude, check this out::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
SUBMIT? Image by Camila Aguiar from Pexels.
Catharsis Chronicles
is a haven for creatives from all walks of life
and I wanted to create a welcoming space for your work, a cathartic sphere enabling words to breathe with authenticity on the digital page.
We have begun this journey as co-owners.
After gaining valuable experience as editors at various Medium broadsheets, we feel it’s time to
focus solely on our venture
We’d love to bring as many enthusiastic and talented souls along for the ride
So, as I’m sure most of you have read a million submission guidelines by now,
I’ll try and make this short but
oh so sweet
Genres We Publish:
Experimental writing
Listicles are fine if they’re crafted with care, and align with our publication theme(s)!
Our topics circle around healing, holistic health, love, healing,
, family, spirituality,
and the resiliency of the human hear
If you submit something that isn’t aligned with the publication, we may still opt to run it if it’s got some raw quality under the bonnet!
Please note: We will only publish one story per person, per day.
Publishing with Catharsis Chronicles
If you’re brand new to Medium (welcome!) here’s the obligatory link to Medium Help Center’s Writing & Editing section.
We only accept unpublished drafts with a formatted title, subtitle, and at least one correctly cited image.
After you’ve finished polishing your draft, click the three-dot button in the top right-hand corner.
Select Add to Publication (Catharsis Chronicles!)
Click confirm.
Click Submit, and once more with feeling click Submit to Publication on the next screen. Our tag is Catharsis Chronicles, though it’s completely optional and not a requirement.
is a fantastic website to double-check your title capitalizations, keeping in mind we adhere to the
style guideline
Also, please use Grammarly or Hemingway if you need to! We do not have the mental bandwidth and/or the time to rewrite articles that are peppered with typos and punctuation errors.
We want to focus
of our attention on clapping, highlighting, and commenting on every Catharsis Chronicles article that we get the pleasure of publishing 😃.
What We DO NOT Accept
AI-generated writing
Hate speech
Contextual use of profanities and f-bombs are fine, though if it gets excessive, not so much
Content that violates Medium Rules
How to be Added as a Writer
Simply leave a comment with your Medium handle
and either myself or Chrysa will add you as soon as we can!
forget to FOLLOW
Catharsis Chronicles and subscribe to get our monthly newsletter!
Edward Swafford
Chrysa stergiou
For further questions, please email chrysoula72@hotmail.com OR edwardswafford101@gmail.com.