I might think some of you will drop this article like a hot potato, That’s your choice and you should do that if you feel like that. But please keep reading, if for no other reason than I am asking , no begging , you.
I’ve never done anything like this before in my life. I’ve never been particularly interested in religion let alone talk about it . . My wife thinks I just wanted make sure I secure my place in heaven just in case. I think that’s not the case because I don’t particularly agree that there is a heaven or a hell.
I didn’t understand about Jesus and I didn’t see the need for Him in my life.. I’ve gotten a little more friendly with the concept of religion lately but I am very very very picky about how I want it presented to me. I want my religion from a woman. I’m not going to put up with some guy yelling at me like I’m the worst person in the world. I am not buying into that at all. Religion can be sweet and precious thing and it doesn’t have to be a threat at all.
I like best to have my religion presented to me by a woman in the form of music. To me that is absolutely beautiful. I don’t try to listen to the words. I just play the music and let the word speak to my subconscious. Sometimes I’m very fascinated by how happy I feel for no particular reason that I can identify. Sometimes I’m surprised that I find myself crying for reasons unknown to me. I wonder what people are so afraid of. I have no answer to that. I think, keep it to yourself if you start to believe in Him.
It’s a fragile thing and you can’t let anybody muck it up for you.
Some folks carry around a lot of pain because life has been tough. Nothing can change that, but how you view it can make all the difference in the world. Anger, pain and resentment only directs negative energy against your personna.
It’s Sunday right now and I’m in my own church. I’m listening to one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard in my life, at least to me .
Just to hear her voice is a thrill no matter what she sings. But when she sings in this song, I am truly moved.
I don’t know why we have to define everything that can’t be measured by weight or how much it costs. Why can’t we just whisper the words of wisdom,
“Let It Be “ more commonly known as AMEN .
Why can’t we just let it happen then wash over us without trying to define it.
Why do we feel the need to keep asking questions as if we need to prove something to ourselves. Why do we have to be so suspicious of something that might be a good thing . Has your life been so perfect up to now?
To just accept it feels so good. It is what it is-to only you and no one else. Don’t try to understand, just let it come into your life without a thought or a care, you can trust this, I swear.
Try this if you dare. Listen to this album every Sunday and let yourself focus on Him. This is what it’s like for me.
All of my problems are still there and nothing has changed, but somehow I feel like I can rise above it and my problems are no longer a thing for me. No matter what, I am not going to let my problems define who I am. I am not going to let my problems make me bitter. Nobody is out to get me and if I’ve had to endure more than my share of problems that is not His fault .
When I look at how crazy the world is gotten, its heartbreaking sometimes to even think that I’m a part of humanity that would be so cruel to so many people within our species. It takes a lot of strength from somewhere to see that we are made out of better stuff than that. A darling person in my life almost apologetically introduced me to Jesus when I needed a friend so bad I felt like I was just coming unglued. (I love you Roberta)
Just A little bit at a time, I started just putting His face in my mind. That’s not a threat to an athiest like me. I just kept it kind of quiet considering Him .
Sometimes I feel a little bit sorry for myself and that is compounded by the craziness in the world today, then I let the words of such songs as “It Is No Secret” and “What If God Was One Of Us” wash over me. It’s not hard to do and you can do it too.
If you harbor hatred in your life for the people that have done you wrong, you’re letting them win. You are only hurting yourself and they will never know. That just doesn’t make sense to continuously harm yourself over things that happened in the past. Driving yourself into madness by playing tragedy over and over and over and over only harms you.
Just keep a little Jesus in your heart and I swear to God, you’re gonna thank me. It isn’t gonna hurt you and it isn’t gonna kill you and take it from me you can rise above all of the ugly things in such a way that they won’t feel like you are out of control any more.