(Sudden Fiction is 500 to 1000 words. The following may not be recommended for more sensitive readers. I hope Colleen Millsteed, and Cathylouise and Bradan Writes Stories don’t wake up with nightmares ! ) :
I rushed to the airport with a new bag and tried to act natural. I bought some souvenirs just so the suitcase wouldn’t look so empty. I’m starting to get really jumpy. I pictured my stomach acid eating its way through those condoms while I’m standing in line trying to look casual. I would probably have the best high in the world just before my heart failed. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to experience that. I guess I was looking around nervously because the guards were observing me rushing to get my bag checked and looking around a lot. This big tall Peruvian guy that I assumed was airport security asked me for my passport. He was tall and had a friendly face but for some reason his question startled me. You can’t help your body’s natural responses and I could feel the blood draining from my face and chills going up and down my backbone. He noticed the nervous behavior from me and asked me to come with him. We went into a private room and he asked me to put my suitcase up on the counter. Then to attractive Peruvian ladies started to grill me about what I’ve been doing in Peru. I flirted with one lady with my eyes. It’s sort of helped me to calm down and possibly obfuscate my nervous behavior. I was asked what I did while I was in Peru and I was glad I had some fancy answers. Just to throw them off their game a little bit, I told him that I was a sexual adventurer and that I heard that Lima Peru was basically a huge brothel. The guys kind of laughed but the girls didn’t. They asked a lot of questions and I had lots of answers. Basically I stuck to the reason that I was in Lima was for the sex. They see young guys doing this kind of travel all the time. I am a man and just couldn’t seem to leave it alone. Maybe I have a problem. At least it will give me something to remember when I’m old. My amped up sex life was just a side perk of smuggling coke from Peru to the United States.Hard to.. imagine but I’ve been having so much sex lately that it’s almost becoming routine and boring. Definite sign I need to give it a rest. Naturally I told airport security that I visited Machu Picchu. I told them that I hiked the Inca trail which is a four day hike to Machu Picchu. This was all a bunch of bull because I was only there for the sex and coke. They seemed impressed by my phony four-day treck as they were opening my suitcase filled with nothing but souvenirs. The pretty one asked me how long I’ve been in Peru and I told her two weeks. The tall guy asked me, where are your clothes, why are you only carrying souvineers ? I thought to myself, I put all my old clothes in a garbage can somewhere after loading the condoms. I figured I must have powder all over me so I threw away my clothes after I bought new ones. These new clothes were now all that I had. I shrugged my shoulders and said I’m not into cleanliness. Apparently everything about me seemed odd and they decided that I should be x-rayed because I was setting off their inner signals. I wasn’t worried because I was pretty sure my cocaine filled condoms would look like I was just full of Peruvian food, maybe potatoes. They asked me to lift my arms up over my head as they passed me on a belt in front of the x-ray machine. There was no denying it, there they were. 50 cocaine filled prophylactics as plain as day in my intestinal track. They immediately put me in handcuffs and told me that I was under arrest for suspicion of transporting cocaine which is a crime against public health I was taken to a hospital where the 50 condoms would be extracted from me. They explained that this needed to be done immediately because my life was in jeopardy should one of those prophylactics break. That has happened and the victim died. At the hospital I was surrounded by police and medical staff who removed all of the cocaine from me. My poor rear end was so sore after all of that. I assume that people washed all of those parcels in an antibacterial substance while they were wearing long rubber gloves.
later I was led into a room where all 50 parcels were laid out on the table, all washed and dried and I was asked to pick up and count each one as they Videotaped me. After that, one member of the airport security, the one that I thought was so pretty and I was flirting with, started cutting open condoms below the knot and tested the contents of each condom with a Q-tip saturated with Mather which turns blue in the presence of cocaine. She tested and emptied the contents of each parcel into a large plastic bag and sure enough, the total weight was nearly 1 kg.