When I get on a rampage,
I get so carried away,
I can’t seem to do anything.
I need to just calm down
and slow way down,
listen to soft jazz and
rhythm and blues and only
allow myself to have
wonderful happy thoughts.
I need my Xanadu,
that imaginary place in my head.
I keep telling myself
just one thing at a time. But,
I have to be in control
because I’m a control freak
and if I can’t control myself
I can’t do anything.
Trouble is, I don’t know
whether to be an oak that
can stand rigid and stiff
against any and all things,
or should I be like a willow tree
that can bend and flex in the breeze.
I row my own canoe when I have a choice.
I go up raging rivers and I traverse small streams.
Sometimes I let the current sweep away my dreams.
I lay back and look at the sky
it’s vastness and beautiful shades of blue. Lacey clouds so white and clean
a guy can’t help but try
imagining this is the best point of view.
All this beauty festooned with natures green
I thought, I am such a lucky guy.
If I ever thought, that’s it I’m through,
I for sure need to return to this scene
and give lifting my spirits another try.