A Little Bit Of Jesus
We can’t know everything.
We try hard, but we won’t.
Do we know what life is for?
I thought I knew, but I don’t.
These days, I like to keep
a little bit of Jesus
in the corner of my heart.
He helps me see reality,
smile, and let hurt go.
It’s not all about me.
Just accept things as they are.
If life should give me,
more than I can bear,
I just picture His image,
that is all I can do.
I’ve never cared for church
but tried to be good.
I always bit on my tongue
to stop angry words.
I tried to — say it with love ,
each and every time,
the way He might talk to me.
I’m seeing everything more clearly,
like the first time for a child,
I am having the sweetest life ,
because I found out ,
when I need a friend
a little bit of Jesus……….
can really help things
now and then,