# 3 Dear Love — — — — — Reply to @Love
Good morning love,
I already wrote you one letter that I had to throw it away. It was to rude. I decided a nice sweet person like yourself should never be exposed to such language. As I read it over, I tried to be you. I was so offended by everything I said, at one point I even slapped myself. I was considering filming the whole thing and sending you a video of all the steps I took to protect your honor. You might say that I was your knight in shining armor I was so valiant. You will have to take my word for it..Right now I’m rereading your last letter to me.
I decided to circle certain segments of your last letter and respond a little bit at a time in future correspondence. For instance, you wrote that when you write early in the morning, you like to listen to Native American flute because it keeps your thoughts calm. I’ll have to try that.I can’t get it to download, but you might enjoy Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music. It’s ancient music recovered from an old painting. It’s very ethereal. I listen to piano a lot. I love the sound of a Steinway. I have lots of playlists and one of them is pure musical renditions of songs that I love. I find that if you put the wrong music on in the morning it ruins your mind to write anything good. I’m interested in what soft rock you play during the day. I love Lofi. do you like Glass Animals. I can listen to some singers while I’m working as long as they don’t try to take over the entire room.. Giveon is cool, do you know him ?
I really did write one and I read it and by the time I censored it, there was nothing left.
I thought I might amuse you with something. When I’m writing to a piece of paper I can say anything I want because I’m not worried about offending anybody. But when I direct this letter it you, I think to myself — OMG — I can’t say that. What would she think of me or that word and what if she took that in an offensive way. I would hate for that to happen. So I told myself to just relax and give my funnybone some air. If I offend you in any way you can take away my tea and throw it in my face to teach me a lesson. I have to quit playing Despicable Me and just be me. You’ve got to know that I’ve accidentally offended people in the past but I can’t try to be funny and worry about offending people at the same time. Right now, I’m thinking of what Roseanne Barr said when people accused her of not being ladylike. If I told you what she said I am very afraid you would be offended. I would never ever do that on purpose. If I offend you Love, you have every right in the world to get even and I hope you do. You can call me every name in the book and if you run out of names, I can supply some extra names that you could use. My dad used to call me oofmagoof. you could call me that !
What you doing this morning. OMG , this feels cozy . I didn’t get any tea yet so how can we spill the tea. ( I say OMG a lot ). I got six hours of sleep. I went to bed at 7:30 and got up at two. Don’t question the math okay.I like to do my work in the middle of the night writing poems and stories and you too now Love . People outside of your mind have no idea what it’s like when you’re going down an extremely complicated road, writing the best lyrics you have ever written in your life and right in the middle of it, somebody says — look at that dog isn’t he cute. It’s like you’re playing chess and you’re right in the middle of the game and somebody kicks over the board and you get a start from scratch again. That’s why I get up in the middle of the night to write. What about you love? Do you like peace and quiet when you write, or can you write in any atmosphere?.My guess is you don’t have any trouble writing anywhere anytime. How did I do?
I have a little problem. How can I feature your poem entitled “ MY BRIEF ENCOUNTER WITH SAINT MOTHER THERESA “ ? Would you tell me how to do that in one of those little boxes that the reader can just click on?I am so totally gobstruck with that story, I can’t get over it.
When I read that story, I thought , she met Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was Albanian. Dua Lipa is Albanian. I love everything Dua Lipa does.
Therefore it only follows that I must love Mother Teresa. Please don’t question my logic or my math.
I’m kidding but I am so totally impressed, Love, that you met Mother Teresa.
I put a hard copy of that story in my permanent file.
So you met a Saint — Mother Teresa. I don’t need to diminish your accomplishment by any means but without sounding like I’m bragging, I have met some extremely important and dignified people in my life too.
I met Lyle Talbot and Eddie Fisher and Leon Redbone. I almost kissed Eydie Gourme’ in an elevator in Chicago but I didn’t have the guts because I was 12. I’m still ascared of girls. Oh yeah, I met Estes Kefauver, put that in your pipe and smoke it. I think you can’t say you met Estes Kefauver. Very very few people can say that they met Estes Kefauver. As a matter of fact, nobody but nobody even knows who he is.
I met Kenny Loggins one-on-one at the airport. I took a picture of my girlfriend, at the time, with him. That was very cool. I think if you put all those guys together it doesn’t quite equal a Mother Teresa. Okay, you won . Perhaps I will end this letter with something that I can’t seem to get off of my mind.
Stay safe Love, your friendship has become very important to me.@Love