Dear love,
I don’t mind saying that you really are already dear to me. Your delightful demeanor shines in your writing and the things you say . If you read some of my work, I frequently talk about needing a friend. Having a friend is huge inside of my mind. You really caught my attention when right away when right off the bat, we started communicating so well.
You use big words, so you’re very smart. I don’t use such big words but my wife says she thinks my vocabulary has been increasing dramatically since writing and reading on Medium.I actually think you should take some credit for that.
I don’t mind saying it honestly and upfront. Please be my friend, Love….
I like you a lot and I think and hope you like me too. There’s nothing wrong with that. I know this isn’t the conventional way to start a friendship. I’m an old guy down on one knee proposing friendship do you. Now if you don’t mind, will you help me get back up . We are just two people hurtling through space that have a lovely attraction to one another. I think that is so beautiful.
I’m speaking of a loving friendship. I want that so bad that sometimes I could scream. Let me insert right here that my wife does not have a jealous bone in her body. She realizes I need to communicate online and say anything I please and anyone can say anything back to me that they please. I hold absolutely no secrets. She also knows that I prefer to talk to the fair sex because ladies are more open and honest about their feelings and that’s what I’m all about. I can’t stand people that are not truthful in everything including their perception of themselves. I unfortunately have a lot of negative feelings about men and the way they treat women. This has had the effect of, I look at all men with suspicion.
Quite frankly, it is paramount to this writer to feel no censorship or restriction in anything that he says while his writing. I think most taboos are ridiculous. Just being open and honest about everything makes life so easy and wonderful.
I just needed for you to know, Love, that you communicating with me as much as you like and saying anything you like poses no problems for me whatsoever and I would hope the same is true in reverse. Creative flow is so beautiful and it takes so many paths.
Love, I know this is all so brand-new, I would absolutely adore it if you were my friend. I have a very tight circle. You would have to share my friendship with a few other people that I love so much . The reason for that is that I need to surround myself with people like you. You’re a very positive person in spite of the tragedy that happened with your son. Sometime I will tell you how much I admire your courage and strength . ( I want so much to hear everything about your son if it’s ok to talk about it . )
The more I hear you say things, the more I think, OMG — — she’s just like me. I feel like a little kid on the playground that just met his new best friend. I want to hear about what you do every day, do you like to cook, what foods do you like, what makes you happy, what music do you like, what are your hopes and dreams, everything that makes you sad and I want to look at your brain and find out exactly how freaking smart you actually are. My God girl, dammit, I might be asking you to dumb it down for me. LOL…….and did you say bodyguard ? Impressive !
There’s something else I want you to do for me. When I start going a little bit psycho, would you please slap me upside my head to help me get my thinking right ? Love, would you promise me something. Please never leave this friendship without talking to me first. Please don’t just drop out of sight unexpectedly like people do wishing to avoid an uncomfortable situation. You know those little Scottie dog’s that are magnets. I feel like that with you and if you kick me to the curb it’s gonna hurt an awful lot because I know me. I’ve already started forming a bond with you inside of me. If there was ever something that I ever said or did that upset you, I promise, it was unintentional. I would never ever do that. It would be impossible because I’m such a super-empath that it would consume me. I’d never be the let it go if I hurt you in any way. But if you have to disappear into the world I will understand because I’ve lost so many friends.I have to get used to those things in life because after all that is life. But pleeeeeeze don’t go.
I hope you stay, Love. I think we have the basis for a wonderful friendship and I have so many things to tell you so many things to ask you.
I know I’m old and you’re young but I truly hope we can have a loving relationship and a wonderful meeting of the minds that, as far as I’m concerned, could go on until the sky falls down on me.
Well, I have to go dear girl. as they say in Australia, see you later alligator when your legs are straighter. I have no idea what that means.